Practice Areas

We Are Real Estate.

We Are New England.

Serving Clients in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

Mortgage Default Servicing

Signature on document
  • Foreclosures 
  • Litigation
  • Bankruptcy 
  • Evictions
  • Condominium association lien actions
  • Code enforcement actions 

Commercial & Residential Real Estate

Zakim Bridge at Sunset
  • Purchase-and-sale agreements
  • Lease agreements
  • Title and settlement services
  • Title issues
  • Title insurance claims
  • Real-estate litigation 
  • Condominiums

Landlord-Tenant Law

  • Evictions
  • Lease agreements
  • Security deposit law
  • Lead paint law
  • Rent collection Actions
  • Code Enforcement actions

Ask Us Anything. anytime.

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